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Live Feeds and Recordings
Learn how to view, save, and share your live feeds and recordings.
14 articles
Archiving VideosLearn about archiving video clips to the cloud, ensuring they remain accessible beyond the original retention period.
Embedding Live Video FeedsLearn how to enable live streaming of your cameras on external websites by generating and customizing an iframe embed code.
Best Practices for Video Overlays
Downloading Videos in the Coram Web AppLearn how to download video clips, and explore the various locations in the web app from which you can initiate a download.
Video not found error
Creating a Timelapse VideoLearn how to condense long periods of footage into a brief, easily reviewable clip with Coram’s timelapse feature.
Timeline View
Manage, view, and share live video streams and video recordings.
Introduction to Timeline ViewLearn about the range of tools available in Timeline view, including how to watch live camera feeds and access previous recordings.
Video TimelinesLearn how to get the most out of the video timeline tool in Timeline View.
Viewing Dewarped Fisheye CamerasLearn how to access different dewarped views for fisheye cameras.
Sharing a Live Video FeedLearn how to share a publicly-accessible web link to a live video feed from your organization in Coram
Reviewing Activity in Timeline ViewLearn about the different activity types that are available in Timeline View, including how to access and filter results.
Video Walls
Create and share customised video walls within the Coram app and beyond.
Kiosk WallsLearn about the useful functions of Kiosk Walls, including how to create, manage, and share them.
Personal WallsCreate custom multi-camera video walls for real-time monitoring and synchronized playback within the Coram web app.
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