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Settings: Notifications
Settings: Notifications

Learn about device notifications, notification groups, how to add recipients for alerts, and how to modify and delete notification groups.

Updated yesterday

Device Notifications


To streamline the management of devices associated with your organization in Coram, you can receive notifications when any of your appliances or cameras are down.

Enabling Device Notifications

To enable device notifications:

  1. Access the Coram web app and sign in to your account.

  2. In the top-right corner of the page, click the dropdown arrow (), then select Settings.

  3. In the Settings menu, click Notifications.

  4. Under the Get notified if appliances or cameras are down heading, enable the toggle switch.

A screenshot of the Coram AI web app interface. In the top-right corner of the page, the "Get notified if appliances or cameras are down" toggle switch is highlighted.

You will now receive device notifications to the email address associated with your user account.

Notification Groups


Notification groups allow you to send alert notifications to multiple recipients, as long as you have their email address or mobile telephone number. To learn more about alerts, refer to Alert Types.

Note: To create and manage notification groups, you need admin rights for your Coram account. For support, contact your system administrator.

Creating a New Notification Group

Before you begin, ensure you have either an email address or mobile telephone number for each member you want to add.

To create a new notification group:

  1. Access the Coram web app and sign in to your account.

  2. In the top-right corner of the page, click the dropdown arrow, then select Settings.

  3. In the Settings menu, click Notifications.

  4. Click + Create Notification Group.

    A new notification group appears at the bottom of the list.

  5. For the first member of the new group, provide at least one of the following contact details:

    • Mobile telephone number

    • Email address

  6. Add an optional name for the new member, then click Save.

  7. To add another member to the group, click the plus icon ( + ) next to the last member that you added. Provide the details as mentioned in step 5, then click Save.

  8. To add more members, repeat step 7.

  9. To change the name of the group, next to the group bname, click the three-dots icon () then click Rename.

    Changes that you make are saved automatically, and the new notification group is live.

Tip: You can create unlimited numbers of notification groups, with unlimited numbers of recipients.

Updating an Existing Notification Group

You can modify or delete existing notification groups, and add, edit, or delete members.

Warning: After you delete a notification group or member, you cannot recover it.

To update an existing notification group:

  1. Access the Coram web app and sign in to your account.

  2. In the top-right corner of the page, click the dropdown arrow, then select Settings.

  3. In the Settings menu, click Notifications.

  4. From the list, locate the group you want to update, then do any of the following:

    • To rename or delete the group, click the three-dots icon () next to the group name, then select the corresponding option.

    • To edit or delete a member, click the three-dots icon () next to the member name, then select the corresponding option.

    • To add a new member to the group, click the plus (+) icon next to any of the members in the group. Provide at least one contact detail and add an optional name, then click Save.

    Changes you make are saved automatically, and the updated notification group is live.

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